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Show replication status in PostgreSQL

This is a small tip to view the replication status of slave postgresql servers. The simplest way to see the replication state on a master server is executing this query:

select client_addr, state, sent_location, write_location,
        flush_location, replay_location from pg_stat_replication;

This query can output can be like this:

postgres=# select client_addr, state, sent_location
postgres-# write_location, flush_location, replay_location, sync_priority from pg_stat_replication;
 client_addr |   state   | write_location | flush_location | replay_location | sync_priority
-------------+-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------------+---------------  | streaming | AB/416D178     | AB/416D178     | AB/416D178      |             0
(1 row)

If the slave is up in hot standby mode, you can tell the time in seconds the delay of transactions applied on the slave with this query:

select now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp() AS replication_delay;

This is a possible output:

postgres=# select now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp() AS replication_delay;
(1 row)

In a very busy database, with many writes per second, this number will remain fairly accurate. However, in a system where there are few writes, the "replication_delay" will continually grow because the last replayed transaction timestamp isn't increasing (this is generally the same limitation as MySQL's SHOW SLAVE STATUS output).